Fireworks Info
Dr Agarwal will be presenting at the Orange County Society of Ophthalmology this week! She has been asked to teach about diagnostic challenges- she has some great cases to share!
Dr. Agarwal is an invited speaker in Dallas, Texas this weekend! Her 4 hours of lecture will cover thyroid eye disease, MS, orbital tumors, skin cancer, eyelid reconstruction, and much, much more! Four hours of lecture?? Dr. A. will aim … Continued
Dr. Agarwal is an invited speaker at the Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics this weekend in Los Angeles. She will be reviewing the relationship between orbital trauma and brain injury.
Dr Agarwal’s longtime Parkinson’s patient! Looking great, AM.
Dr Agarwal is heading to LA today as an invited speaker for an ophthalmology symposium! She is bringing all her energy so hope those doctors are ready to laugh and learn!
Dr. Agarwal is eager to welcome a future colleague! A true fan of Doc McStuffins, Dr. Agarwal is happy to see this little patient has her white Doc McStuffins lab coat – and is ready to help others!
Dr Agarwal has been asked to speak at the Symposium “Breakfast with the Experts” at the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Her topic will be “Swollen Optic Nerve or Not?”
Dr. Agarwal will be interviewed on radio program Voice America starting at 1pm Thursday, January 8, 2015. She will be discussing her ophthalmic subspecialties of neuro-ophthalmology, oculoplastic surgery, and strabismus (ocular misalignment). It will be a great way to learn … Continued