Dr. Agarwal is an invited speaker at a Star Wars- themed eye conference at Downtown Disney his weekend! Her talk title – Eye Rebel! She will be reviewing a number of topics but her main focus will be Idiopathic Intracranial … Continued
Well another gorgeous young 90-year-old in my office! Great attitude on this beautiful lady who says, “It’s weird; I don’t feel 90! I don’t know how it happened !”
Happy Halloween!
Dr. Agarwal is Ana from Frozen for Halloween!
John is undaunted by his recent diagnosis. He insists that worrying will accomplish nothing and therefore won’t do it ! What a great example for all of us!
Miss Mary
Miss Mary is one of my patients who has suffered from a very severe lung infection, had a heart attack, and most recently struggled with a stroke. However she is a bright, beautiful, and active woman. She is an inspiration … Continued
Dr. Agarwal will be speaking to approximately to 1000 doctors this Sunday morning at California Institute of Technology-Caltech –in Pasadena. She will be teaching on many of her unique cases.
Our family went to see Sully this weekend. I think this an excellent film. For those of us that make our life’s work caring for people, I completely connected to Sully’s concerns about his passengers and his team. As physicians, … Continued
Nicole has MS and lost 50 pounds! She decided after her MS diagnosis – to get healthy!!
Three cheers for my patient Laureen who has been recognized for her involvement in Dystonia Advocacy Network Day! She flew to Washington DC to lobby Congress and teach about this disease! On behalf of all of our many, many facial … Continued